Posted by Micah James Zayner on 17th Apr 2016
Team ODIN Delivers: tasting science at The Tech
This past Tuesday we went to the San Jose Tech Museum for an event. We brought in a tasting station, and the concept was to connect with the participant on a physical level. How cool is it to taste science? So we set up 8 different amino acids with particular taste characteristics we thought would make the process fun. Tasting Glycine makes me think of sugar(think glycemic index), and tasting Proline was confusing in some ways because it started out sweet, then bitter, then salty. It was hilarious watching the participants try Cystein Mono-hydrate. It starts off a little salty, but wait a few moments and all of the sudden you are taken over by the rotten egg taste and smell of sulfur. Proline, Phenalalanine, Valine, Aspartic acid, Glutamic acid, Asparagine were also aminos we tested. The event was a lot of fun and we invite you to keep up on our Facebook page so that you can be a part of our next event. See photos from the event below, and check out the event link if you're interested in more info.