This product is a flask of L15 media with 10% FBS, 100ug/mL Streptomycin, 50ug/mL Gentamicin and a confluent culture of HEK 293 shipped at room temperature.
Only shipments to the US are available for this product.
They arrived in a timely fashion and I was able to passage them. Thank you
Are awesome!!!! Clean, well grown culture was delivered and it growing very strong!
I'll be honest, between questionably sterile environments, unknown passage count, shipping, and continual antibiotics, I thought there was a good chance these cells would die perhaps even before making it into my hands. I was wrong. Care went into coordinating the time and speed of shipping (thanks, Peter!). Most of the cells arrived with stressed morphology but returned to health within a night or two of incubation. This is my first experience with the HEK293 line, for what it's worth.