You receive 1mL of 5x Taq Master Mix. All you need is the DNA Template and Primers, this mix contains everything else.
You can find primers for amplifying your own DNA with our DNA purification kit. This will allow you to learn about forensic identification of human beings.
Good for
100 - 50uL PCR Reactions
200 - 25uL PCR Reactions
To use this polymerase to amplify your DNA requires a PCR Thermocycler.
Component | 25uL Reaction | 50uL Reaction | Final Concentration |
10uM Forward Primer | 0.5uL | 1uL | 0.2uM |
10uM Reverse Primer | 0.5uL | 1uL | 0.2uM |
5x Taq Master Mix | 5uL | 10uL | 1x |
DNA Template | Depends | Depends | Your total conc. should be <500ng |
Water | to 25uL | to 50uL |
PCR Settings
Step | Temperature | Time |
Initial Denaturation | 95C | 30s |
25-30 cycles of the following |
95C 55C 68C |
15s 30s 1 minute/kilobase |
Final Extension | 68C | 5 minutes |
Hold at 4C if needs be |
Totally amps my oligos!
Totally amps my oligos! Nice big lines in the gel. Easy to use with a loop to keep the cap with the tube.
Finally got around to using this for the first time. TD-PCR with custom primers resulted in a single blindingly bright band. Great master mix to get the job done without hassle!
Works very well
Instructions on the right are currently for 5x, but can be adapted for the 2x they sell now. Doesn't ship refrigerated, but I don't think that is a problem as I have had a lot of success with this master mix.
It works every time.
I have been ordering from The ODIN for about a year. Everything I have received worked. This is no different. The price and the quick shipping really make this worth it. I get clean bands every time.
Even better than the old stuff (which was great!)
I was super satisfied with the old 5x Taq mix, so I was nervous to try a new one, but this stuff is AMAZING. Super bright bands, easy to work with, not as bubbly as what I was using before which is nice. I usually run 30uL reactions so it's not super relevant to me but just so you know, the reaction setup over there on the right is assuming 5x master mix, not 2x. At least as of this writing, they're probably fixing it right now and I'll look like a fool for years to come :D
I work in a formal molecular biology lab and decided to give this product a go. When I ordered it, I was super hesitant about its shipping method (not frozen). I received it yesterday and tested today in the lab it along with its accompanying ladder (100bp). Both products had a better resolution in the gel than commercial ($100+ each) products. We compared the ladder to 1kBReady GeneRuler as well as Thermo 50bp ladder. This one was cleaner and stronger looking. The master mix was tried on a very difficult template (we had spent weeks trying to optimize it--which we finally did) and this master mix gave us a nicer looking band. Everyone in my lab now wants to steal it from me. Haha. Keep up the good work guys
Great price, great product
Yields a very pure product. Very satisfied.
awesome price, the backbone of my PCR
Got here quick works perfectly and amazing price.